Monday, December 8, 2008


I have always been a huge fan of old black and white well as a big fan of Alfred Hitchock. Who doesn't like a great classic like REAR WINDOW! Well..I liked it anyway. And I'm also a "people watcher"..always have been. Funny how out-right strangers can be so amusing! lol Haven't you ever thought to yourself when you see people on the street or in the mall or wherever..I wonder where they are going in such a hurry, or, I wonder why that person is smiling or the other person looks near tears. Everyone has a story. For all we know, we could be watching someone who is about to rob a bank, or a woman who just lost her best friend from breast cancer..the emotions you can see in peoples faces..the happiness or sadness in their eyes. Like your mother always told you..never judge a book by it's cover!

The internet...what an amazing thing! It never ceases to amaze me. So many things to learn and do and see. Well, this morning, while sitting with the hubbers drinking coffee, me checking email and he watching one of the many news channels he constantly has on, I caught (heard) the tail end of a story. Something about webcams and the police, with the oh so amazing DVR we have (can't say enough good things about live pause and no commercials! hehe) I said..rewind that..! They gave a web address. So..the internet person I am..went to the site to check it out. The site BTW, is This is the definition it gave when I googled it...

What is
Adam's Block? A channel on described by the broadcaster as: A day-to-day look at San Francisco's Worst Neighborhood. ...

And off I went to check it out. Two webcams in this guys window, overlooking the streets in front of his apartment building. Sure enough you can see live feed of the comings and goings of..well, people! And after listening to the story about this site...and waatching it for a few minutes..and reading the comments about dawned on me, that this website is like a MODERN DAY REAR WINDOW movie! they say such things as fights, drug deals, shootings etc can be seen on the cam. How so Alfred Hitchock! Probably, truth be told, the person (who I'm picturing as younger and tech savvy) who owns the web cams, couldn't tell you who Alfred Hitchcock is or have a clue about the movie Rear Window!

So..those are my thoughts for the day. And, my question is..does having one of these live cams like this make you nosey? Curious? And what does it make the person who watches it (other than the owner?) Granted, being able to sit in my little spot in Florida and watch someone just walk down a street across the world from me..well, I think that, in and of itself is amazing! They did mention on the news that the police are liking it...says it's helped them a lot! The bad guys caught doing something illegal..not so much liking it! lol

So..that's my post for the day...I think I shall find an old B&W movie on the old tellie and make some popcorn and say outloud (to no one there) THIS is when movies were movies! hehehe

Have a wonderfully productive day y'all!

Until next time...from Mossy Pond!