Monday, December 8, 2008
I have always been a huge fan of old black and white well as a big fan of Alfred Hitchock. Who doesn't like a great classic like REAR WINDOW! Well..I liked it anyway. And I'm also a "people watcher"..always have been. Funny how out-right strangers can be so amusing! lol Haven't you ever thought to yourself when you see people on the street or in the mall or wherever..I wonder where they are going in such a hurry, or, I wonder why that person is smiling or the other person looks near tears. Everyone has a story. For all we know, we could be watching someone who is about to rob a bank, or a woman who just lost her best friend from breast cancer..the emotions you can see in peoples faces..the happiness or sadness in their eyes. Like your mother always told you..never judge a book by it's cover!
The internet...what an amazing thing! It never ceases to amaze me. So many things to learn and do and see. Well, this morning, while sitting with the hubbers drinking coffee, me checking email and he watching one of the many news channels he constantly has on, I caught (heard) the tail end of a story. Something about webcams and the police, with the oh so amazing DVR we have (can't say enough good things about live pause and no commercials! hehe) I said..rewind that..! They gave a web address. So..the internet person I am..went to the site to check it out. The site BTW, is This is the definition it gave when I googled it...
What is Adam's Block? A channel on described by the broadcaster as: A day-to-day look at San Francisco's Worst Neighborhood. ...
And off I went to check it out. Two webcams in this guys window, overlooking the streets in front of his apartment building. Sure enough you can see live feed of the comings and goings of..well, people! And after listening to the story about this site...and waatching it for a few minutes..and reading the comments about dawned on me, that this website is like a MODERN DAY REAR WINDOW movie! they say such things as fights, drug deals, shootings etc can be seen on the cam. How so Alfred Hitchock! Probably, truth be told, the person (who I'm picturing as younger and tech savvy) who owns the web cams, couldn't tell you who Alfred Hitchcock is or have a clue about the movie Rear Window!
So..those are my thoughts for the day. And, my question is..does having one of these live cams like this make you nosey? Curious? And what does it make the person who watches it (other than the owner?) Granted, being able to sit in my little spot in Florida and watch someone just walk down a street across the world from me..well, I think that, in and of itself is amazing! They did mention on the news that the police are liking it...says it's helped them a lot! The bad guys caught doing something illegal..not so much liking it! lol
So..that's my post for the day...I think I shall find an old B&W movie on the old tellie and make some popcorn and say outloud (to no one there) THIS is when movies were movies! hehehe
Have a wonderfully productive day y'all!
Until next time...from Mossy Pond!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Well, today is a very sad day for sure...a horrific act of violence against an innocent person. Committed at this little family owned store pictured here.
Where we live is basically remote, but a couple miles from us on the main highway is a little store/gas station called Sylvia's. Since it takes almost an hour to get to a big store like Walmart or Winn Dixie from where we live, it is not uncommon for us to just pop in to Sylvia's to buy milk or bread or a snack. And it is always a pleasure to be greeted by the store's owner, Vish Patel. A sweet man who always asks how you are and jokes with you and is just all around nice! So hard to find these days in MHO!
Thursday night, this nice man's life was taken,.. violently. It was taken by someone, with no respect for human life or anything else I'm sure! As the news reported, Mr. Patel was walking from his home (located behind the store) to the store when approached by this man, and shot dead. They say the motive...robbery. Now I didn't know Mr. Patel personally, that surely being my loss...but he was a staple really. You stop at Sylvia's..and you left with your groceries or gas AND a smile! I've mentioned many a time to my husband how nice he (Mr. Patel) is. And then I heard this today and my heart just broke. How his family is coping is beyond recognition to me.
The person responsible is incarcerated (Thank God) and will hopefully be punhished for this. But whatever he gets, won't bring back the smile and feelings of "hey, there are still nice people in this world" feelings I got whenever I was in Sylvia's and talked to Mr. Patel. And saying that, makes me feel selfish...for I know how much greater the loss is for his family.
I am including a link here, so that you can read the story should you be so inclined.
And after reading it again, it seems there is more than one person involved. How scary.... How this can make a person feel trapped, a prisoner of fear when something like this happens so close to home. I hope and pray they catch the others involved and they too, are brought to justice.
My heart goes out to Mr. Patel's family. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. And if it weren't for knowing that Mr. Patel is in a much better world right now...I'd be all the more sad for the void his leaving has left for me and others whose lives he has touched.
May you sore with the angels Mr. Patel!
And the world continues to turn....
A heartbroken Miss Mossy
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
FIVE THINGS MEME...., Zipporah tagged me with the FIVE THINGS MEME...which, I might add I had to look up and see what the heck it was! lol But thank you Zip..I'll do my best! And of course, I'll be looking at yours to see how to do it! (my own answers of course silly!) here goes..Hell, I'll give it a try!
1. Dieting...HA!
2. Trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me physically
3. Was still in the first 3 year honeymoon stage
4. Still dieting...HA HA!
5. Boughtmy first cane
1. Find a place in the house for the 3 huge Ferns my dear husband bought me for Mother's Day
this year..which he knows I'll kill with my brown thumb! I'm pretty sure they don't tollerate
the cold.
2. Get my house cleaned (takes me a while! lol)
3. Make something special for the girls for Christmas
4. Make something special for the hubbers for Christmas
5. Figure out my mp3 player! (I'll be darned if I can figure out how to get those books on CD
onto the darn thing!)
1. Right now my snack of choice is very salty pretzels!
2. Fresh fruit
3. Popcorn
4. Toast
5. Cookies!
FIVE PLACES I'VE LIVED....(Shortened due to there not BEING five places!)
1. Indiana
2. Florida
1. Babysitter
2. Clerk in a paint store
3. KFC
(all the above before age 18)
4. 911 operator (until I became disabled)
5. OH WAIT....THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB OF ALL....(((((MOM)))))...Lets move that to #1
shall we!
1. ANIMAL CRUELTY...Can't and WON'T tollerate it!
2. Rudeness..people who talk over you when you're answering the question THEY asked!
3. People who drive slow in the passing lane
4. People who use the disabled carts in stores when they aren't disabled
5. Oh ..Oh..those 3X5 cards or inserts in magazines!..Hate those things!
Is that it? I think so! And since I don't have a clue to tag anyone else...consider yourself tagged if you read this!
And the beat goes on....
1. Dieting...HA!
2. Trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me physically
3. Was still in the first 3 year honeymoon stage
4. Still dieting...HA HA!
5. Boughtmy first cane
1. Find a place in the house for the 3 huge Ferns my dear husband bought me for Mother's Day
this year..which he knows I'll kill with my brown thumb! I'm pretty sure they don't tollerate
the cold.
2. Get my house cleaned (takes me a while! lol)
3. Make something special for the girls for Christmas
4. Make something special for the hubbers for Christmas
5. Figure out my mp3 player! (I'll be darned if I can figure out how to get those books on CD
onto the darn thing!)
1. Right now my snack of choice is very salty pretzels!
2. Fresh fruit
3. Popcorn
4. Toast
5. Cookies!
FIVE PLACES I'VE LIVED....(Shortened due to there not BEING five places!)
1. Indiana
2. Florida
1. Babysitter
2. Clerk in a paint store
3. KFC
(all the above before age 18)
4. 911 operator (until I became disabled)
5. OH WAIT....THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB OF ALL....(((((MOM)))))...Lets move that to #1
shall we!
1. ANIMAL CRUELTY...Can't and WON'T tollerate it!
2. Rudeness..people who talk over you when you're answering the question THEY asked!
3. People who drive slow in the passing lane
4. People who use the disabled carts in stores when they aren't disabled
5. Oh ..Oh..those 3X5 cards or inserts in magazines!..Hate those things!
Is that it? I think so! And since I don't have a clue to tag anyone else...consider yourself tagged if you read this!
And the beat goes on....
After all...
Well, how many days since the election? A week! Now maybe your candidate won, or maybe they didn't..but people..we are the UNITED States of America! We come together and rise to the occasion! So you know what...I'll be the first person to say..hey, give the guy a chance! My last entry showed who I voted for..but that doesn't mean I don't have the upmost respect for our Commander In Chief! Here's what I'm gonna do,...I know why I voted for John McCain..and why I didn't vote for lets just give him a chance and see if he can make things better. Lets get behind him and give him the support he needs to make all the positive changes in the world! Lets see if he is a man of his word! And if four years..your ass better be out there voting, cause like I said...if you don't vote..DON'T BITCH!
I was just telling my dear husband the other night while watching one of the (ever-on) news channels on TV...I said, Honey, can you imagine! I'll bet every single person who won an election, who became president, walked into that white house and thought HOLY SHIT! Had NO idea of what was REALLY waiting on them there! Things can't change over night! So..lets just do our part, and pray he does his part...and the rest will hopefully fall into place!
Ok..I'm an optimist. I believe in people for the most part. I believe that there is good in everyone. I believe in giving second chances and God's will. So...there ya go...that's where I am on THAT! The people have voted...the majority rules...and that's that! I put my 2 cents in before about the election..and this is my 2 cents now! Yipeee! lol
Don't we all just want WORLD PEACE?? (that said in my best Sandra Bullock!! hehe)
(((seriously tho..we do!)))
So ONWARD AND UPWARD! Anddd..ALL that jazzzz!!!!
And time marches on....
I was just telling my dear husband the other night while watching one of the (ever-on) news channels on TV...I said, Honey, can you imagine! I'll bet every single person who won an election, who became president, walked into that white house and thought HOLY SHIT! Had NO idea of what was REALLY waiting on them there! Things can't change over night! So..lets just do our part, and pray he does his part...and the rest will hopefully fall into place!
Ok..I'm an optimist. I believe in people for the most part. I believe that there is good in everyone. I believe in giving second chances and God's will. So...there ya go...that's where I am on THAT! The people have voted...the majority rules...and that's that! I put my 2 cents in before about the election..and this is my 2 cents now! Yipeee! lol
Don't we all just want WORLD PEACE?? (that said in my best Sandra Bullock!! hehe)
(((seriously tho..we do!)))
So ONWARD AND UPWARD! Anddd..ALL that jazzzz!!!!
And time marches on....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
ELECTION DAY 2008 (Just my thoughts)
Well, it's finally here...ELECTION DAY!!! And as President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said..Today is a day that will live in emphamy!
And, before it's all over, I wanted to take two minutes to put my two cents worth in.
I proudly did my civic privilege as an American Citizen, to cast my vote early this past Saturday morning. I VOTED...Therefore, I can bitch! But I am not here to bitch today..just some thoughts.
I was just telling my husband, as we sat watching the election coverage on television..that I remember as a kid, watching my parents and other adults, walking down to the local fire department to cast their votes. It was just a "given"..on this voted! didn't bother anyone else who was voting, you didn't ask if they voted, which party they belonged to or who they voted for! It was just the norm. So unlike today!
I am disturbed watching all the reports of voter fraud and the reports of wrong doings. Here are just a few things that bother me.
1. That our men and women now serving overseas...their votes not counted?? WHHHHATTT????? It said that they didn't mail out their absentee ballots until it was too late. Now this is disturbing!!! Will we see on the news WHO was responsible for mailing these out and when that's known, what will be done about it? Will they WAIT for the votes of our service men and women?? Don't you think they should? Wait I mean. These wonderful men and women who are fighting for OUR freedom...they deserve to vote and have their votes count!
2. I just saw the news people at a voting place, I believe it was in PA..and there were two Black Panther members there, one with a big stick standing outside the poles. Normally..this wouldn't bother me one bit! People who are black, white, pink and orange have every right to be there..this is America people! But weilding a stick? And there must have been a problem, or the police wouldn't have asked the person to leave. And when the news person approached the remaining Black Panther a question, he got pretty snippy...saying he is suppose to be there...but the newspeople not! WHAT? Now let me express, for fear of any negative thinking, that I couldn't get 2 rats behinds what color person is standing there, as long as they are peaceful..but I can't help but think it's a double edge sword. Hell if you aren't there covering the election..hell if you are! Gimme a freakin break people!
3. I don't think I'm the only person, who heard from their parents growing are who you associate with. May not be right..but it's the facts! So..I have a hard time with someone who associates with terrorists! And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! It scares the shit outta me! Honestly!
4. What is the big deal out there about Obama's birth certificate??? Huh??? I just don't get it! Is it it fake...I choose to believe if it wasn't real..he wouldn't be allowed to run for President of the United States. Am I naive to the extent that I don't think something like this couldn't happen? No. So show it..if it's it! All's I keep reading and hearing is it's one's business. Well EXCUSE ME people..but if you want to be President, it's MY business!
5. Sarah I think she's ready to be President, God forbid something happen to John McCain? Sure I do. Do I think she has a rough road..sure I do! She's a woman..! Qualified or not...everyone makes it harder for women! I get tired of hearing people ask how she'll do VP, have children, and a husband...when was the last time anyone asked a MALE VP OR PRESIDENT that question? It's the 21st century people..there are stay at home dad's..when's someone going to ask a MAN that question! And when was the last time you heard a "breaking story" about any of the MALE CANDIDATES wardrobe??? Again..gimme a break!
6. Mrs. disturbing to hear her say that for the first time in her life she was proud of her country!! I've ALWAYS been proud of my country. Shame on her for saying that!!! Shame!!!!
7. Who am I voting for you ask?? Well, don't...ask I mean...that's none of YOUR business! Why do you think they make voting stalls private with curtains or doors and put cardboard over your ballot until you drop it into the box! It's PRIVATE PEOPLE!! Now...having said that...I'll volunteer who I voted for....JOHN McCAIN!! I put more than two cents in...and there's a lot more that I could have commented on...but I won't. Just surfice it to say..I read all the news and claims and "fact checks"...about both candidates. I have great respect for John McCain. Like someone said..he's spent more time in a POW camp than Obama has in the Senate! Does that make him the best candidate? Probably not...but he has too many other things that do make him the best candidate! As for Obama..I'm sure he's a very nice man. Do I think he's the best for the job? No. Is it because he's black? No. Is it because I've yet to see how he's going to make all these "changes" he's talking about spicifically? Yes.
REGARDLESS...of who YOU are voting for...just be sure to VOTE! If you don't CAN'T BITCH!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Holidays are approaching...
WoW..How hard is it to believe how quickly the holidays are approaching! Here I was this morning, writing about how the leaves were still green and the flowers still blooming..and then BAMM! It seemed like every time I turned around I saw and heard something on TV about getting ready for the holidays! I was looking for something (and completely forgot what it was) when I stumbled upon a box of old Christmas cards and ribbons. Which reminded me that the other day when we stopped at Walmart for dog food, the shelves were already being filled with everything Christmas! I think we just passed right over fall and Thanksgiving and went straight for Christmas!
I have many fond memories of Christmas as a child. All the gifts under the tree we cut down ourselves (ok..maybe we didn't really cut it..but it was in a lot where SOMEONE cut it! LOL). We opened our gifts on Christmas eve..every year, right after Midnight Mass. And the best Christmases were when it snowed! We lived in a small town, and I remember so vividly, cracking the window just a bit above my bed, just enough to smell the crisp winter air and to hear the Christmas music playing on the speakers in town. (((sigh)))...what a simple, wonderful time. It seems like yesterday..but at the same time a hundred years ago.
I always thought I'd carry on the traditions with my children. But, times change and life gets in the way. We struggled to keep food on the table and the bills paid. There was never that tradition of ALWAYS opening presents on Christmas Eve because we never knew if Mom & Dad had to work..if we worked the same shift that day or if one of us was on seconds and one on midnights. I could count on one hand the holidays I DIDN'T work as apposed to the ones I did! But you know kids are ok..regardless of which day we opened presents! Traditions are a wonderful thing..but maybe not having them is a tradition, all in itself!
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday...I remember being teased growing up because I played Christmas music in August! lol I still do sometimes. But Christmas changed for me and my siblings two years ago. Very early Christmas morning in 2006, my sister and I sat beside my mother's bedside as she passed away. It was a tough day that Christmas. And we were still grieving the loss of my brother, who passed away on Halloween the same year. Just as dawn was breaking, after the funeral director had come and gone, I sat at the table with my older sister and brother and said to them...I knew she was waiting for Christmas..and to go on such a blessed day...well, what a blessing for her. Our gift that day was knowing that our mother was no longer in such horrible pain, and knowing that she was united with our father and brother. I prefer to look upon that day, as a blessing. So, Christmas holds even more meaning to us now. The picture above is the last photo of myself and my Mama together....she was rarely without a smile.
I do miss the days of all of us together...the kids are all grown and live 1000 miles away. It's tough for everyone to make plans to there..or them here. So some Christmases, we have to make due with mailed gifts and lots of phone calls. But either way..together or not..we're always together in spirit. This year, I've decided to make a special gift for each of the girls. (did I mention we have 4?) I haven't decided what it will be yet..(any and all suggestions are welcome! lol) but, as I said, the holidays are I better get busy!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A Lazy Sunday and Farmer Brown
Nothing says the weekend like sleeping late..taking naps..and Farmer Brown for supper! No, Farmer Brown isn't a person..but what we had for supper! FOOD man! Such a simple dish and quite frankly, just comfort food and so not on the old diet!
Three simple ingredients...browned hamburger, mashed potatoes and cheese! All 3 layered (cheese on top) and stuck in the oven to melt together. Mmmm!!! Add some fresh fruit and ice cold bottle of water..and supper's on!
The rest of the day is spent just chillin out..Dad with some sports on TV..and the occasional...""YOU SHOULD HAVE CAUGHT THAT"" coming from the living room...and Mom in the kitchen messing on the computer. The dogs are just as lazy today and surround me as I snoring quite loudly I might add. Such spoiled little furbabies! (((sigh)))...all is right with the world at the moment!
With all the talk of the failing economy, gas prices (up then down)..and of course the's nice to have a nice lazy Sunday. Now..I still have some laundry to throw in..but all in's been a really wonderful day!
Three simple ingredients...browned hamburger, mashed potatoes and cheese! All 3 layered (cheese on top) and stuck in the oven to melt together. Mmmm!!! Add some fresh fruit and ice cold bottle of water..and supper's on!
The rest of the day is spent just chillin out..Dad with some sports on TV..and the occasional...""YOU SHOULD HAVE CAUGHT THAT"" coming from the living room...and Mom in the kitchen messing on the computer. The dogs are just as lazy today and surround me as I snoring quite loudly I might add. Such spoiled little furbabies! (((sigh)))...all is right with the world at the moment!
With all the talk of the failing economy, gas prices (up then down)..and of course the's nice to have a nice lazy Sunday. Now..I still have some laundry to throw in..but all in's been a really wonderful day!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
TODAY IS "CLEAN YOUR PET" DAY!! I guess there's no hard fast rule on how many times you can "blog" in a day..and since I'm just getting the hang of the blog thing...thought I'd type some more.
Today, as it says clean your pet day! I already told you I was cleaning the fish tank..which btw was a complete success!..and since they were so nice and clean, I moved on to the dogs! We have many, but I only washed the inside dogs...Charlie, Bubba, Jake and Emmy. None of which I might add liked it very much, but they did better than I expected! So clean and fresh!
So, here's a few pictures of the nice clean pets!
Group picture with Darci!! Darci, btw is our beautiful daughter, and from front to left is Charlie (who was maybe a pound or two when I got him and a week old..his mama is a full blooded toy chihuahua, and the father..who knows what!..which is why he is NOT the 7 pounds top weight my husband promised me he'd be! lol)..then there's Bubba..full on Jack Russell!..above Bubba is Cilla, who is Darci's baby (she didn't get a bath but she was already clean! hehe)..then Jake (or as we call him, Shaky Jake), full on Weiner dog and then the Devine Ms. M., or Emmy..our only female (inside) dog and all chihuahua!!! My husband says all the time that should anything happen to me..all 4 dogs would just lay down and die! Of course they wouldn't, but I'm sure they'd miss me! They are my shadows!
And here are my nice clean fish! It's hard to get fish to stay still for a photo I got most of them in there. They are definitely enjoying their nice clean tank, as is Mom. I didn't know before I had fish that they could actually have their own little personalities! Besides being so relaxing to watch..they will actually let me pet them..if you put your hand in, they circle a time or two and stop against your palm. Ahhhh...I know! Neat huh!
So, that's it for Clean Pet Day! I must take my camera out and take some pictures of my wonderful husband on his tractors! It must be clean your tractor day too..cause that's what he's been doing! lol
Until later..from Mossy Pond!
Today, as it says clean your pet day! I already told you I was cleaning the fish tank..which btw was a complete success!..and since they were so nice and clean, I moved on to the dogs! We have many, but I only washed the inside dogs...Charlie, Bubba, Jake and Emmy. None of which I might add liked it very much, but they did better than I expected! So clean and fresh!
So, here's a few pictures of the nice clean pets!
Group picture with Darci!! Darci, btw is our beautiful daughter, and from front to left is Charlie (who was maybe a pound or two when I got him and a week old..his mama is a full blooded toy chihuahua, and the father..who knows what!..which is why he is NOT the 7 pounds top weight my husband promised me he'd be! lol)..then there's Bubba..full on Jack Russell!..above Bubba is Cilla, who is Darci's baby (she didn't get a bath but she was already clean! hehe)..then Jake (or as we call him, Shaky Jake), full on Weiner dog and then the Devine Ms. M., or Emmy..our only female (inside) dog and all chihuahua!!! My husband says all the time that should anything happen to me..all 4 dogs would just lay down and die! Of course they wouldn't, but I'm sure they'd miss me! They are my shadows!
And here are my nice clean fish! It's hard to get fish to stay still for a photo I got most of them in there. They are definitely enjoying their nice clean tank, as is Mom. I didn't know before I had fish that they could actually have their own little personalities! Besides being so relaxing to watch..they will actually let me pet them..if you put your hand in, they circle a time or two and stop against your palm. Ahhhh...I know! Neat huh!
So, that's it for Clean Pet Day! I must take my camera out and take some pictures of my wonderful husband on his tractors! It must be clean your tractor day too..cause that's what he's been doing! lol
Until later..from Mossy Pond!
OK, I did start this blog thing a while back..and then well, didn't come back! gets in the way I guess..but this is something I really wanted to do. So this morning, while reading a blog of someone I don't even know ( many people know bloggers in person..right?) and thought of my own that I started and forgot. So, here I am! Which brings me to the title of this page..HAVE YOU SEEN ALL THE BLOGS OUT THERE?" I mean seriously people..there's hundreds (maybe thousand or gazillions!)...and they are wonderful! Or at least the ones I've read so far!
Most of the ones I've been reading this morning had to do with junking, and trash to treasure..I love that stuff! And though I don't do much of fascinates me! Whenever I see something really neat at a craft show or on TV..I always say...Who thinks up that neat stuff! Well..bloggers do apparently! Way to go bloggers! is a gorgeous day to be alive! I'm actually having a good day today and while it lasts, I want to get a few things done. My number one thing believe it or not, is to clean out the aquarium! Long over-do let me tell ya! And those hose things to get the water out..WONDERFUL!..again..who thinks up this stuff! Bet they're rich! hehe But seriously, it is long over-do and my fish will really be grateful I'm sure.
Let me tell you about my is, ohh..I think 75 gallons. The guy said it was 100, but me thinks not. And I often drewl over the 200+ gallon ones I see on craigslist or ebay. Oh..and have you SEEN the prices they are asking for just a 20 gallon tank?? OUTRAGEOUS! sidetracked. I have to find the big pots to put the tank "things" in (decorations) to boil them. Try to get the green off. I think I read somewhere to put them in the sun for a few hours..might try that after boiling. I currently have EIGHT fish..count 'em this tank and they are getting so big that my reasoning to the hubbers about getting the bigger it's for the fish!! hehe I have two very big Jack Dempseys, two beautiful big orange Blood Parrots, two very docile Oscars, One good size shark and of course a huge sucker fish. They are all (except for the sucker fish..he pretty much stays to himself) full of personality and will even let you pet them! I haven't felt up to cleaning their tank for a while is the day!! They don't really like it..but they'll thank me later.
I also have another 45 gallon tank that is home to two beautiful pink kissing fish (can't remember the official name for them at the moment..(((can we say brain fog)) and four spunky tiger barbs..and their tank buddy, another sucker fish. Luckily, their tank is pretty clean (don't ask me how..must be the tank fairy), so I'll just change the filters in that tank.
Today is the THIRD day in a row that we haven't had to turn on the a/c!! Yaaaa! It's been a very long hot summer here in the panhandle and I'm anxious for cooler weather! I do miss the changing colors of the trees back home in Indiana. But after almost 10 years living in the south, you'd think I'd be use to it! Nope..still miss those trees!'s just green one day..and nekid the next! But for today anyway..the leaves are still here and green and the sun is shinning and the humidity is low low low! A very pleasant 69 degrees! YAAA!!!
So I am off...(yes, I've been told that many a time!!) tend to my fish! Hopefully I won't get sidetracked, or be knocked down by an unexpected flare...and today will continue to be the beautiful day it is!
Heck..for all I one will read this..but just in case...any seasoned blogger out there..can you tell me how you make your pages look so cool? I mean it's almost like myspace..changing backgrounds and adding things (yes, I'm a myspacer! lol)..if you know..I would love some advice and direction!
Have a wonderful, memory making, productive day my friends!
Until next time from Mossy Pond!
Yours Truly!
Most of the ones I've been reading this morning had to do with junking, and trash to treasure..I love that stuff! And though I don't do much of fascinates me! Whenever I see something really neat at a craft show or on TV..I always say...Who thinks up that neat stuff! Well..bloggers do apparently! Way to go bloggers! is a gorgeous day to be alive! I'm actually having a good day today and while it lasts, I want to get a few things done. My number one thing believe it or not, is to clean out the aquarium! Long over-do let me tell ya! And those hose things to get the water out..WONDERFUL!..again..who thinks up this stuff! Bet they're rich! hehe But seriously, it is long over-do and my fish will really be grateful I'm sure.
Let me tell you about my is, ohh..I think 75 gallons. The guy said it was 100, but me thinks not. And I often drewl over the 200+ gallon ones I see on craigslist or ebay. Oh..and have you SEEN the prices they are asking for just a 20 gallon tank?? OUTRAGEOUS! sidetracked. I have to find the big pots to put the tank "things" in (decorations) to boil them. Try to get the green off. I think I read somewhere to put them in the sun for a few hours..might try that after boiling. I currently have EIGHT fish..count 'em this tank and they are getting so big that my reasoning to the hubbers about getting the bigger it's for the fish!! hehe I have two very big Jack Dempseys, two beautiful big orange Blood Parrots, two very docile Oscars, One good size shark and of course a huge sucker fish. They are all (except for the sucker fish..he pretty much stays to himself) full of personality and will even let you pet them! I haven't felt up to cleaning their tank for a while is the day!! They don't really like it..but they'll thank me later.
I also have another 45 gallon tank that is home to two beautiful pink kissing fish (can't remember the official name for them at the moment..(((can we say brain fog)) and four spunky tiger barbs..and their tank buddy, another sucker fish. Luckily, their tank is pretty clean (don't ask me how..must be the tank fairy), so I'll just change the filters in that tank.
Today is the THIRD day in a row that we haven't had to turn on the a/c!! Yaaaa! It's been a very long hot summer here in the panhandle and I'm anxious for cooler weather! I do miss the changing colors of the trees back home in Indiana. But after almost 10 years living in the south, you'd think I'd be use to it! Nope..still miss those trees!'s just green one day..and nekid the next! But for today anyway..the leaves are still here and green and the sun is shinning and the humidity is low low low! A very pleasant 69 degrees! YAAA!!!
So I am off...(yes, I've been told that many a time!!) tend to my fish! Hopefully I won't get sidetracked, or be knocked down by an unexpected flare...and today will continue to be the beautiful day it is!
Heck..for all I one will read this..but just in case...any seasoned blogger out there..can you tell me how you make your pages look so cool? I mean it's almost like myspace..changing backgrounds and adding things (yes, I'm a myspacer! lol)..if you know..I would love some advice and direction!
Have a wonderful, memory making, productive day my friends!
Until next time from Mossy Pond!
Yours Truly!
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