Tuesday, November 11, 2008

After all...

Well, how many days since the election? A week! Now maybe your candidate won, or maybe they didn't..but people..we are the UNITED States of America! We come together and rise to the occasion! So you know what...I'll be the first person to say..hey, give the guy a chance! My last entry showed who I voted for..but that doesn't mean I don't have the upmost respect for our Commander In Chief! Here's what I'm gonna do,...I know why I voted for John McCain..and why I didn't vote for Obama..so lets just give him a chance and see if he can make things better. Lets get behind him and give him the support he needs to make all the positive changes in the world! Lets see if he is a man of his word! And if not..in four years..your ass better be out there voting, cause like I said...if you don't vote..DON'T BITCH!

I was just telling my dear husband the other night while watching one of the (ever-on) news channels on TV...I said, Honey, can you imagine! I'll bet every single person who won an election, who became president, walked into that white house and thought HOLY SHIT! Had NO idea of what was REALLY waiting on them there! Things can't change over night! So..lets just do our part, and pray he does his part...and the rest will hopefully fall into place!

Ok..I'm an optimist. I believe in people for the most part. I believe that there is good in everyone. I believe in giving second chances and God's will. So...there ya go...that's where I am on THAT! The people have voted...the majority rules...and that's that! I put my 2 cents in before about the election..and this is my 2 cents now! Yipeee! lol

Don't we all just want WORLD PEACE?? (that said in my best Sandra Bullock!! hehe)
(((seriously tho..we do!)))

So ONWARD AND UPWARD! Anddd..ALL that jazzzz!!!!

And time marches on....

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